Hello! Let me be real, I don't know what to say here.
I'm never quite sure what to say here so just know the contents of this page will always be changing.
I'm a university student from London, currently in my third year.
I guess something you might like to know about me is that I like writing, which is what I mainly use this website for. I enjoy playing video games, I've read manga through basically my whole life, and since 2022, I've gotten back into reading so there's that :)
That's basically what this website contains, that and whatever else I can think of.
My Favourite Games
Disco Elysium
Grim Fandango
Alan Wake II
I've been watching anime since before I could read, and I have fond memories of using shady sites to watch anime I was way too young to be watching.
At some point I stopped watching anime and replaced it with reading manga, kinda just a time thing, but, if a new anime interests me, I might try and watch it.
My Favourite Anime and Manga
Space Brothers - Chuya Koyama
Samurai Champloo
Real - Takehiko Inoue
Dragonball - Akira Toriyama
Hirayasumi - Keigo Shinzo
I haven't read all too many books, but of the ones I have read, here's my favourites
Feel free to check out my bookshelf page too
My Favourite Books
Germinal - Emile Zola
Slaughterhouse-Five - Kurt Vonnegut
East of Eden - John Steinbeck
My Favourite Music
Feel free to message me and send some music recommendations my way, tbh I need it, I just listen to the same things over and over
Rather than list all the musicians I like, check out my last.fm instead, probably easier
My Favourite Albums
Luv(sic) Hexalogy - Nujabes
My Favourite Things - John Coltrane
By The Time I Get to Phoenix - Injury Reserve
If you want to email me, feel free to send one over at: mekong.redd@gmail.com
Discord: mekongred